Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Well, here I am at the end of my journey in Guwahati, while the rest of the crew should just now be pulling into their final destination, Shillong 80 km aways. I'm sitting in my plush four star hotel, where I've registered for the nicest suite in the hotel, ordered some expresso and lunch, sent my clothes of to laundry, and finally found the internet. The past 14 days have been amazing and possibly one of the stupidest and most rewarding thing I've ever done. Looking back on it today I realize the true magnitude of this trip. We spent 10 hours a day crammed into a rickshaw that handles and rides worse than a wheelbarrow on some of the most insane roads in the world. There were moments of delerium, such as my NH5 song that goes, "Rickshaw going the wrong way, rickshaw going the wrong way, rickshaw going the wrong way on the highway, going the wrong way" to the same style on the hamster on a piano song from youtube. Or the time where it was night, we were going 15-20 kmph tops on NH201, which was about 6 foot wide and had more potholes than actual tarmac and we were all screaming out Christmas songs at the top of our lungs while Mike was driving, trying to ignore how horrible the day went. There were moments where we all slightly lost it. I won't share them with you, but I guarantee all four of us remember them. Then there were the amazing times. The beautiful beaches, the friendly people, the amazing food, the city driving, etc. I had a perception of India when I came here. It was so wrong to what India really is. I thought I was prepared, but I was not. I don't think I'll be able to get back here soon enough. There are horrible things here. Inequality of women and cheauvanism, the trash and filth everywhere, and the abhorrent poverty. But there is also so many good things. The people who simply want to say hi to you and shake your hand. The beautiful Bay of Bengal. The friendliness and courtesy you receive almost everywhere. One thing I've still not gotten used to is how horribly inexpensive most things are (outside the biggest cities.) That said, I've got to head off to the Fancy Bazaar and hope for no random bombings in Guwahati today. I think I heard the last one was last week so I'm sure I'll be fine. Thanks for following our adventure and if you ever think of doing this event and need another to come along, I am always down to go or to give advice. I've learned quite a few dos and don'ts. Big one is don't do it with four people. Damn thing is just too small. :)

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